Travlers Blog: Kristen Howard


Often times we ask our dear friends and travel participants to write a lil blog about their experience with PHoH.  Here is our latest from Kristen.  A dear friend and Advocate for PHoH.  Thank you Kristen for your loving heart and kind soul. #loveyouforlife. 

  This was my second time traveling to Haiti but first time with Project House of Hope.  My experience is hard to put into words because it involved so many different emotions. I've been on numerous mission trips all around the world. However, this trip with PHoH touched me so deeply. There is just a warmth and joy that radiates from everyone connected to PHoH that you just can't help but fall in love with Haiti and it's people. I felt love, heartache, compassion, simplicity, complexity and a desire to just be.  I felt like God had me right where He wanted me, right when He wanted me to be there.  I prayed for a long time about when I would have another opportunity to go serve in Haiti and it was 6 years from the first time I was there, but it was because I was suppose to go with PHoH. God also blessed me with friendships I will have for life. 
  My favorite experience on this trip was getting to just get to know the kids.  It wasn't too rushed or hectic.  We were able to pick some activities that we loved doing like rock painting, dancing, and tie dying.  Mostly though, we just hung out with the kids and that's what we needed and I think it's what they needed too.  We all just want to be loved and be told we are loved.  My goal was to bring joy to the kids PHoH helps and I hope we did that because the kids sure brought me joy.
  Another experience that will stick with me for a very long time is getting to help with goat distribution up to the mountain community.  We tend to get so wrapped up in our own world here in the states with jobs, kids, practices, etc etc etc and when we actually are faced with real need and gratefulness, it kind of slaps us in the face. To hear stories like this goat could mean either life or death if we have a sick kid pretty much stops you in your tracks.
  One of my hardest missionary moments happened up on that mountain while delivering goats.  A mother holding a diaperless baby motioned to me if I could breastfeed her baby.  That time has passed for me, but I would have if I could.  It was such a heartbreaking moment for me to have to say I couldn't help.  And to know her baby needed food.  And all the other babies on that mountain need food too.
  I will be back to Haiti with Project House of Hope. Armed with more joy to share and maybe some formula. 😉




Thats What They See at Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  We hear this phrase and sing this song often this time of year.  This year I had a whole new feeling when I shared that saying.  It hit home when my dear friend Tiffany and her amazing husband Lee approached me to have our kids sing with them on their Christmas CD. (Noel, Tif & Lee download it today)  The children were excited and happy to share their sweet and angelic voices with Tiffany and Lee on a song called "Thats what they see at Christmas"  Their innocence and joyful hearts come alive when they sing.  The song is a beautiful tribute to what we should all see at Christmas.  No matter if your a child in Haiti or a child in The United States, your both still wishing underneath the same "Christmas star"  The wishes may be different, but all the children hope for the promise Santa will come and they will have a house full of love.  No matter how many times I travel to Haiti and spend time with my family and friends there, these "Moment Makers" will forever continue to mold me as a person. So with that, yet another opportunity for me to continue to grow and enjoy this journey of hope.  I am grateful to all of you who love our children as your own. We will have the opportunity to travel to Haiti spend Christmas with the kids, celebrate the New Year, and enjoy the celebrations for  Haitian Independence Day.  Watching the children Christmas morning is a very special and exciting time. The kids are grateful to their sponsors and all of you who help us bring the joy of Christmas to so many.   Children all over the world and in our own cities are wishing for Santa to come.  While your out shopping why not pick something up for a child who may not have Christmas without the help of others. There are many local organizations collecting.  If you would like to help our kids and their caregivers you can visit the website to make an in kind gift, or you can choose from the list below and purchase specific items.  The items will need to be picked up or dropped off if you are local by December 18th.  So, when someone says, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"  please remember, in addition to it "looking" like Christmas, think about what others may see at Christmas, and if you can make their Christmas a little brighter, then do so.  Thank you to those of you who continue to support our efforts, and also Thanks to those of you who have decided PHoH will be on your Christmas Giving list this year!!

Much Love! and Merry Christmas, Amy Fletcher 

Christmas Wish List: Project House of Hope...

  • Solar lights (small), flash lights, batteries, umbrellas, twin sheets, wash cloths and bath towels, table cloths (oblong and washable) lotion, bar soap, toothpaste, shampoo, hair grease,  small metal bowls, shower curtains and rings, sheer drapes full length, un locked cell phones (for the mammas),  
  • soccer balls, remote controlled cars, radios, watches for girls and boys, baby dolls and barbies, matching games, coloring and activity books, DVDs, anything that plays music, instruments, 
  • arts and craft supplies
  • Choose a specific child from our Sponsor a Child page, message us for sizes and wish list
  • Choose one of our caregivers to bring joy this Christmas.We have 8 woman and 4 men who give of themselves to ensure our children have the best care and are living a healthy and happy life. Please let us know if you would like a list of specific sizes. 



Rousseau: Help us Help them get water

Hello Everyone!!! 

We hope your summer has been exciting and full of hope!  Ours at House of Hope sure has been.  We have had a summer filled with exciting trips, fundraisers, and so much more.  One thing is for sure, and that is our new found love for Haiti in a small village called Rousseau.  Many of you were introduced to it at the same time as us.  During the devastating Hurricane Matthew last October that tore through much of Haiti.  Our dear friend and Partner Paul (Kesnel) Toussaint reached out in a plea to his friends and family for help to get this desperate community back on its feet.  We were fortunate to visit soon after to help deliver supplies and meet with the community. We heard their voices and their prayers loud and clear.... The need for water. They are grateful to all of the people who have come together to help.  I know Matt and his team have building projects in the works and are committed to helping like many of you.  I am sorry if I do not mention everyone, the good news is people are coming together to help.  We all have other obligations and commitments, but when God places a community of people in your path who are counting on your support, you find a way to make it happen!!! Many people sent emails, made phone calls and reached out to friends and communities for help.  Great news!!! A local Haitian company has surveyed the land and can drill for a well.  This is a blessing that will help sustain the entire community of Rousseau.  This community is close to many of our hearts. It is now that I am asking of you to help us bring water to Rousseau for Christmas.  The entire project will cost about $12,000- $15,000 to complete.  Paul has met with the company, and they are ready to drill.  Our friends at Love for Haiti have raised the funds to build a bridge so trucks and equipment will make it up the road.  We now need to raise the funds to drill.  Last weekend House of Hope hosted a fundraiser and raised almost half of the funding necessary for the project.  We are asking you.... our friends, family, and even strangers who want to help us bring water to this community. Currently people walk up to two hours sometimes to get as much water as they can possibly carry back... Water is a resource no human should have to live without.  Lets help this small village of beautiful people get water. They want to start farming, raising live stock, cooking, bathing, all of the most amazing gifts water can bring... You can contact us directly at and put "water for Rousseau" in the comments, contact Paul directly and he can answer any questions you may have. Paul is willing to take donations directly if you want to wire funds, or just add to what you may have already planned for another project to him. You may also contact Dianna at Love for Haiti, at they are also taking donations and can direct you if you want to join in helping us help them.  Thank you in advance for being a part of this important effort to bring such a valuable resource to this amazing community.  Looking forward to hearing from you and keeping everyone updated on the progress!  AF #ittakesavillage #waterforRousseau

water 1.jpg

Summer FUNdraiser coming to Atlanta... Wine tasting and Pull

Hello friends we are excited to host our first summer FUNdraiser in Atlanta.  Project House of Hope is teaming up with Oak Brewpub in the heart of Kirkwood.  Saturday afternoon August 5th from 2:00pm -5:00pm.  Come enjoy great food, fine wine, tasty beer, and an afternoon sure to be a fun time for all.  With your $25.00 donation you will enjoy light appetizers,  wine and beer tasting and a "pull" for a bottle of wine. Your $30.00 donation will get you 5 extra raffle tickets!   Everyone is a winner, the top bottle valued at over $100.00. In addition to great food and drinks we will have plenty of awesome raffle prizes from Atlanta area restaurants and merchants.  Grab your fiends, family, neighbors, or even coworkers.  Come together to help us raise funds for a water project in the community of Rousseau Haiti.  The community has about 400 people, and they currently live in a dire situation.  With the help of you and others we are raising funds to get a well drilled.  In the meantime we are sending water, food and medical supplies as often as we can to help this desperate community.  With the addition of a well or water resource for this community their lives will be forever changed, and the families can live a sustainable life.  Farming, cooking, and caring for their families.  Please come out and join us, looking forward to seeing everyone miss my Atlanta "Peeps" Stay tuned for updates and insights.. Many Thanks to all of you whou continue to support our work in Haiti. AF

Cheerful Giving

Wow!!!!!  God sure does love a cheerful "giver"  Over the last few months I have witnessed what its like to be blessed when you give with purpose and without haste.  We always talk about Traveling with House of Hope and "share your gifts and talents"  This is one way I continually get to witness our friends, "travelers"  express pure joy after sharing their gift with the children and the community we serve.  When you have a gift weather it's being a great teacher, mother, pastor, nurse....whatever. When you enjoy what you do, and you get to teach, mentor, or coach another person it brings joy to your heart.  It happens to me almost daily!  The really cool part is I get to share the experience with so many folks!!! The work we do and life we live as a community in Haiti, has transformed many lives. Both in the US and in Haiti.  Sometimes folks can not travel with us, but want to be a part. Here are just a few ways we offer for you to get involved. The opportunity to Sponsor one of the children in our Orphan Care is ideal. This is a unique relationship between you and your Sponsored child.  Offering love, support and guidance.  In hope of meeting one day and the guarantee of a life long friend.  We currently have children who would LOVE for you to Sponsor them today. The children understand the program and are grateful for the help and the opportunity to have a relationship with you.  We hope you consider this Holiday Season Sponsoring one of the beautiful children in our Orphan Care, and become part of our family.  Another way to get involved with PHoH if you can not travel with us is helping out or hosting a fundraiser.  We are always in need of funds to help with feeding and caring for the basic needs of the children at House of Hope and Hope 12:21. Please contact us and we can give you a host of ideas, or we welcome any suggestions you may have in helping to raise funds and awareness of our Core Programs. 

Our community we serve in Haiti Montrouis and Lanzac area, was spared any major damage and loss of life due to Hurricane Matthew. The southern part of the Island was devastated... Please continue to pray for and support the efforts in helping those affected by Matthew. The power of prayer is enormous!  Thank you to everyone who kept our community and all of Haiti in their constant prayers. Thank you, also to the many of you who took the time to call me personally and ask about our children, their caregivers, our Partners and their families in Haiti. The outpouring of support financially was a true blessing because of folks like you who believed in the cause and gave generously.  I am grateful to have been able to be a part of the combined effort to assist those who suffered in the Hurricane. 

I wanted to take a few minutes this morning and share a few things with you today about "Cheerful Giving" it really does the body good.... and heart..... Not to mention God loves a cheerful giver! Thanks again to each and everyone of you for your love and support!  Have a blessed and beautiful Sunday and a great week!

For the love of Haiti.... AF

2 Corinthians 9:7 "So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful heart



Our Summer has been a SPLASH!!

We are back from another great trip to Haiti spending precious time with those we love and serve.  In April we hosted our first team at Hope's Nest our beautiful guesthouse and gathering space.  Our dear friend and Board Member Jane hosted her Church family from Calvary Baptist Church including her husband, lead Pastor, and a dedicated and gracious group of folks.  The team came with open hearts and minds teaching, working, worshiping, and loving our children and the entire community we serve.  The team also had a great attitude when it came to staying at the Guest House.  With our first experience hosting a team they were troopers!  What a blessing it was to have a safe and enjoyable place to rest and gather. Our meals were prepared in typical Haitian style, and the staff and security at the house were a pure joy. We are excited to work with many local Haitians in the community. Lead by our Friend and Partner Kesnel (Paul) Toussaint leading the way building relationships and giving opportunity to many offering employment at the guest house, or one of our many Community or Sustainable Programs.  

The children at House of Hope and Hope 12:21 had open hearts and minds building friendships with the entire group who traveled with us from Calvary.  We are excited to build our relationship and grow as we host Calvary in their future International Ministry Program.  Looking forward to experiencing the future of HoH with the entire Calvary Church.

Two additional teams have traveled with us this summer spending quality time with the children and sharing love and light with so many!! Our kids are enjoying their summer spending time at the beach, playing with one another, enjoying activities when teams visit, and even getting a few special trips to the local hotel where they can swim and play. This a very, very  special treat for the children. Thanks to our travelers who make this exciting day happen for the kids.  I must admit its my favorite thing to do with the kids.  I honestly see pure joy coming from each and every child.  The day ends with some very tired and grateful children! 

The past few months our Orphan Care Program has been blessed with additional folks who decided to Sponsor one of our beautiful children at House of Hope and Hope 12:21 .  We at HoH  want to thank everyone who helps us by your dedication to caring for the basic needs of your sponsor child, and all the children in our care.  This is the one area we rely on heavily each and every month. A small sacrifice you make, is life changing for the children you help care for. HoH has a huge responsibility and commitment to care for the children and also to support those who look after them and love them everyday.  Having a Sponsor is more then just about the monthly gift, the kids look forward to sharing notes, and gifts with their family.  We have hopes that one day they can meet some of their Sponsors.  Many of the children have already met their Sponsor, and enjoy sharing their stories, and progress building a  personal and beautiful relationship.  Please consider becoming a part of our family and also help us with our commitment to care for the children and become a Sponsor today! The process is easy with an automatic payment option, all gifts are tax deductible.  Help us Help Them!

The next few months at House of Hope are filled with exciting trips planned, launching new fundraising efforts, and building the support and foundation of our organization.  We are committed as a team to build awareness of our love, work and passion to care for all of our children, and the entire community we serve.  If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can continue to spread the word about our work in Haiti, or would like information on hosting a trip.  We would be happy to talk with you at anytime.  The future is exciting and we are hope you come along!

Much love from the entire House of Hope Family, enjoy the rest of your summer, and join us along our "Journey of Hope".





Our Next Adventure at House of Hope, and you're invited

We are excited to share with our House of Hope supporters exciting news! Over the last year we have been tossing around the idea of acquiring a Guest House.  The idea has been on paper for quite some time.  The dream even longer.  Paul, myself, and many of our supporters have tried to come up with just how we could make this dream a reality.  In April of this year we took a leap of faith and "hope" that now was the time to make it happen.  There is always a season and a reason! The opportunity for the perfect house came to us. With lots of support from our Board Members, Family, Friends, and even Strangers, we were blessed with the ability to have our dreams come true.  We now offer a beautiful home for House of Hope travelers, fellow Missionaries, Haitians, or folks who want to visit Montrouis. The house is a beautiful place to relax and enjoy, with plenty of indoor and outdoor space available.  We will enjoy hosting teams who visit the community we love to call home. House of Hope like many of you was spending up to 70% of our funds raised for a team trip going to the hotel.  We are excited to use the funds we will be saving to help with our sustainable programs in the community. If you travel to the Montrouis area we invite you to come stay with us.  More details and information available for you in the near future. Look for the Guest House tab on the website, and also a fb page.   I am sharing with you now in hopes you consider staying with us on a future trip.  We can accommodate 14-20 people currently, have 5 bed rooms and 5 full bathrooms.  We also offer 2 fresh meals a day.  Please contact myself or Paul (Kesnel Toussaint) for availability and pricing.  Looking forward to sharing our home with you! 


Amy Fletcher

House of Hope



House of Hope Guest House now available for you to rent!

House of Hope Guest House now available for you to rent!

Ho Ho Hope for Haiti 2016

We are excited at House of Hope to have a team traveling to Haiti to celebrate Christmas, the New Year and Haitian Independence Day! Our folks are gearing up for an amazing trip educating, empowering and celebrating with our children and brothers and sisters in Haiti.  We will have travelers who have joined us in the past, and we are welcoming new friends along to share their gifts and talents. This trip we are spending time with our friends at Maison des Enfants de Dieu an Orphanage in Port au Prince, along with the community of Montrouis. We have lots planned to do with the children, and are excited about bringing some Christmas Cheer.  The teams have exciting plans for the children and their friends in the community.  We are grateful to everyone who has, and continues to support our travelers as they share their gifts and talents. On this very special trip we will be giving the children presents, some itemsbasic everyday things they need, but we are also hoping to give each child a new church outfit and shoes.  The children love to dress up for church, and we would love for them to celebrate their Independence Day in a new outfit! Our needs and wants are always changing, and we are grateful to those of you who continue to support.  Giving us items you have collected, and also the in kind financial gifts.  We are asking this Holiday Season you consider a gift that will help change the lives of those in need.  A gift that will bring joy to a child, mother, wife or friend in Haiti. We will be doing distributions to not only the children in our Orphan Care, but also community children, the Women in our Empowerment Program, and also our Heroes of Hope Soccer Team. 

Please consider one of the many ways you can help this Holiday:

Do a collection of items we will be taking to Haiti. Pick one item from the list or several and get your friends, family, church family, and classmates to help with this effort.  Some basic items are: Coloring books/activity, small pack Crayola crayons, full size tooth paste, deodorant (solid), mosquito spray, children's OTC medicine/non gummy vitamins, anything that glows sticks, bracelets, ect., tie dye kits, children's white t shirts, swim toys, hair beads/bows, puzzles, matching games, soccer balls, outside games.

Sponsor a child in our Orphan Care.  Help to care for the child and ensure their basic needs are met. You can get involved with your sponsor child or simply just help us help them by your generous monthly gift of $40.00

Gift a Goat in our Goats to Hope Program. This one time gift of $100.00 will help sustain a Haitian family. They then re gift the first female back to House of Hope to gift to another needy family in the community. 

Simply make a donation on your behalf or on behalf of a loved one.  We currently are working on a few Major Projects that are costly.  The building of the classroom/storage room at the Nazarene School where the children at House of Hope attend.  We are planning a solar project at Hope 1221 orphanage, and also the construction of a fence around the yard at House of Hope to protect the children. Please consider this option if you are looking for a year end gift.  We are a 501c3, and would love to find a company who may want to do a Company Match campaign for our cause. 

Please think outside the box this Holiday, and bring Ho Ho Hope for those we love and serve in Haiti this year!  Contact us if you have any questions on how you can help us help them... We are looking forward to your gift and want to thank you in advance!  Please have all donations collected and to us via the website or send to

House of Hope 3155 East Point Street East Point GA 30344

Thank You and Blessings to all of our Friends and Family!









ATLANTA Fundraising Event - 10/17



Hello Friends,

Enclosed for your review is a proposal from Project House of Hope supporting our upcoming Fall Luncheon and Silent Auction. The Event is being held Saturday afternoon October 17th 12:00pm-3:00pm at The Gallery EAV 490 Flat Shoals Ave SE Atlanta GA.  We will offer Southern BBQ and Haitian food for our guests to enjoy. We are encouraging our friends, church families, sponsors and business partners to join us for an event that’s sure to be a memorable afternoon.  Spending time with friends, music, live artist, silent auction and more.  

PHoH is a non profit based in Atlanta GA with support Advocates all over the country, working hard and sharing our story with others.  PHoH Partners, Sponsors and Advocates have an opportunity to develop life long relationships with the children at our orphanages and the amazing people in the community of Montrouis Haiti that we serve.  We work diligently and respectfully to provide resources for the children and the community.   Our team is traveling to Haiti on November 8th we will host our ladies in the sewing program teaching new patterns and preparing them for shipping of holiday items tomake and sell.  We will also be delivering a host of musical instruments for the children in our Orphan care program.  Currently we are collecting gently used and new instruments for the trip.  Please contact us if you have any to donate.   We will be distributing Goats in our “Goats to Hope Program”, offering Haitian’s a means for a sustainable future.  As a Platinum Sponsor we will gifts goats in your honor while in Haiti.  For more information on our community programs and Orphan care please visit the website We are always excited to share our work with others.  If you are interested in joining us on a trip that will change your life in a beautiful and meaningful way, check into the travel program for more details.  

We rely on folks like you to help us continue our efforts: 

Educating, empowering, and equipping Haitians to build stronger communities and families through sustainable programs and orphan care. Giving them an opportunity to become leaders and to set positive examples for their families and the community in which they live. Having hope for a brighter tomorrow for themselves and the generations to come.  We thank you! 

Hope to see you on the 17th

Amy Fletcher 

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill

The attached proposal requests you to become a PHoH partner offering financial support for our November and January Humanitarian trips and project commitments. A full list of activities, classes, and clinics available for you to see on line.  PHoH hope’s you consider this opportunity and its benefits when reviewing the enclosed sponsorship proposal.  

By supporting our efforts, you will help provide a positive long term impact on the children at House of Hope orphanage and the people in their community.  In addition, the high profile benefits that you will receive are identified in the proposal. 

There are 4 ways you can help our cause:

1.  Become a Honored Sponsor and receive the perks associated with the Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels. 

2. Donate Gift Cards and or merchandise for Silent Auction.

3. Give an In Kind Donation to our cause.

4. Sponsor a House of Hope child

5. Purchase individual tickets for yourself or as a gift for someone. 

Please look over the attached proposal and join other business leaders in your community supporting PHoH’sFall Luncheon and Silent Auction. If you need additional information about PHoH please check out our website at, or contact me directly at  We will contact you in the near future to discuss your participation in our efforts.

On behalf of PHoH the children at House of Hope orphanage and the people of their community, we Thank You for supporting our efforts.


Amy Fletcher 

Founder PHOH


Sponsor information:

At the $2000.00 Platinum Level, you will publicly be associated with PHoH in our community and on line. Benefits include, but not limited to:

  1. Company logo as a “Platinum Sponsor”printed on approximately 300 donation/sponsor forms. 
  2. Company name and phone number posted on our social media pages and website.
  3. Company logo on large banner displayed at the event and on flyers distributed in local business, schools and churches. 
  4. Two 8 top tables at the event, and 16 tickets for you to share. 
  5. A Goat gifted to a needy family in Haiti in your honor. Distribution of goat in November.

At the $1000.00 Gold Sponsor Level, you will publicly be associated with PHoH in our community and on line. Benefits include, but not limited to:

  1. Company name identified as a “Gold Sponsor” printed on approximately 300      donation/sponsor forms
  2. Company name and phone number posted on our social media pages and website 
  3. Company name displayed on large banner displayed at the event and on flyers distributed in local business, schools, and churches.
  4. One 8top table at the event ,and 8 tickets for you to share 

At the $800.00 Silver Sponsor Level, you will publicly be associated with PHoH in our community and on line. Benefits include, but not limited to:

  1. Company Name as a “Silver Sponsor” printed on approximately 300 donation/sponsor forms

      2.  Company name and phone number posted on our social media pages and website 

      3.  Company name displayed at the event with Company contact information.

4. One 8 top table at the event, and 8 tickets to share.

At the $500.00 Bronze Sponsorship Level, you will publicly be associated with PHoH in our community and on line. Benefits include but are not limited to:

  1. Company name highlighted on donation and sponsor forms, social media and website.
  2. One 8 top table and 8 tickets to share


          Individual tickets $50.00 Pair of tickets $90.00 


Merchant Donation Information and Silent Auction items: We are in need of Gift Cards and other merchandise to offer as auction items and to reward the commitment of our participants. If you are willing to make a donation for this purpose, we appreciate your support. All donated items are to be gifted by September 16th, Thanks in Advance! 


Investing in this project ensures a brighter future for the children at House of Hope Orphanage, their staff and the entire community we serve.  The impact of this event can stretch to hundreds of gracious, resilient and humble individuals.  Together we “ordinary” folks can do “extraordinary “things.  Contact as your earliest convince to discuss how you can get involved.  call Amy @ 678-756-4920




Brooke's Travel Experience to Haiti

Brooke, a supporter and ambassador of House of Hope, wanted to share about her travel experience with our team. We would love for you to be inspired by her story and  join a trip to Haiti! 

I don’t know whose smile was bigger, Amy Fletcher’s (founder of PHOH) or the beautiful Haitian assistants and translators. This is my thought as I meet Amy and the Haitian crew for the first time in Haiti. She’s arrived with her husband, sister, and Kathy Fischer in tow, and we are all saying hello as we pack into the van for our first destination.

This is how my first trip to Haiti with Project House of Hope began. It was an absolutely beautiful January day in Haiti, and I immediately felt safe, happy and pleased that I’d come. Of course, for me, traveling to new foreign lands makes me feel so alive. This was my first trip to Haiti, and it was off to a great start.

I’ll stop here and explain that I’ve actually traveled to Haiti twice now with PHOH. My first trip in January 2015 was so amazing, that I HAD to go back as soon as possible. So I found myself back in Haiti this past June 2015.  For my first trip, I raised money for my flight and expenses. Everyone was so pleased to donate, as my mission to meet, help and even teach yoga to orphans in Haiti touched everyone’s heart.  In about 3 months, I raised $2,300 dollars and then was off to Haiti. For my second trip, I had vowed to use my tax refund money to cover costs, and dip into my personal savings to cover the balance. It was so worth it to me to spend this money on going back to Haiti to see the orphans, and to meet the newest additions. After my first trip, and getting to know the darlings in the orphanages (they will win your heart without even trying), I couldn’t imagine not going right back! In addition to spending time with the kids, I had the pleasure of being involved in many other projects. For example, teaching yoga to the Women’s Empowerment Group that PHOH has started. What fun to teach these ladies who had never even HEARD of yoga or meditation. (When we were done, they wanted to know right away when the next class would be.) I assisted with Goats for Hope, and the health and wellness fun run for the kids in the village. I also assisted projects such as: teaching ladies how to make home-made mosquito repellent, and how to sew with sewing machines (Having no sewing skills, I babysat while the other volunteers taught the sewing classes). I also assisted the dance teachers as they taught the orphans how do to tap and ballet. I taught yoga to kids at a local school that is in desperate need of assistance. And, to top it off, all of the people I interacted with had a big smile and were so kind and as helpful as possible. I’m talking from the hotel staff, to the translators, to the leaders in the churches, and beyond.

Admittedly, I’m well traveled and have been to several developing nations, so not much shocked me or was brand new to me. So, it took no time for me to fall into a rhythm each day. For a traveler new to developing nations, it may take a little more adjusting, but I know Amy and her whole crew do their very best to make new travelers feel comfortable.

I could go on and on about each of my trips, but I know blogs are supposed to be short enough to not lose people’s attention. Let me end with a few final points.  What made me feel safe while I was in Haiti? First of all, Amy has been to Haiti countless times and speaks basic Creole to meet your needs around town, at the orphanage, and at the hotel. The translators that PHOH uses have incredible English & patience. They can assist you in any way you need from cell phone function to changing your airline tickets, and so much more. Everyone has a smile and is ready for a good laugh. This made me feel right at home early on. Amy is like a mother-hen; she has her eyes on you all of the time and wants you safe at all costs. You are connected with PHOH people from the moment you step out of the airport upon landing, until you return to the airport to head home. Most of the trips are busy and filled with going here and there for projects, events, service and visits all day. But on occasion you get to relax at the beach or the pool, and it’s quite nice. The coastal area of Montrious is quite beautiful and something to behold. Maybe you’ll even get to drink from a freshly cut coconut! 

by Brooke Nisbet

Yoga Teacher & Leader in Daphne, AL.