
The Power of Hope - an Update from the Founder

The Power of Hope - an Update from the Founder

GUESS WHAT!? We have a new website!! What better time to launch this new site then on the heels of an amazing summer trip to Haiti. Returning from the past few weeks in Haiti, I am encouraged by the work we have been able to do AND even more excited about the direction we are heading. We've been able to see so much progress and sustainability within all of our programs and overall community. Each person that joined us in Haiti was able to share their unique gifts and talents. We were able to mentor, lead, teach new skills and just share good ole fashioned love to so many. It truly was an amazing time for our organization. 

At the end of last year, we decided to strategically focus our efforts on four core areas that allow us to work efficiently and effectively with locals in Haiti. The results have been incredible. We ARE making a lasting impact on the lives of the those we work with and future generations. We have made so much progress since we first started and are grateful to all of you who have supported us along the way. Not many folks can say (well at least ordinary folks like me) they have witnessed the transformation of a community through the generosity of others many of these individuals will never meet. Individuals of this community are human beings who did not ask to be born in a country where the most basic resources are often not available and where it is a struggle to survive. However, through our programs, we have been able to provide these resources - allowing individuals to thrive and care for themselves and their families - and now wanting to encourage their community to do the same. I am honored to walk along each of you in this journey of simply loving others.