Our friends in Rousseau

We were first introduced to the community of Rousseau Haiti after Hurricane Matthew ripped through Haiti leaving widespread damage and devastation in the already vulnerable and improvised country.  Over the past two years many individuals, friends, strangers and organizations have come together to help, educate, sustain, and offer assistance in many ways.  We have been fortunate to be a big part of this process.  Many of our friends at HoH stepped up to assist us.  One of our largest attempts at helping in Rousseau has been the mission to bring water to the community.  We were very excited when the drilling process began for a well.  the community came out every day to watch the process.  All praying they would hit water soon.  After days of hard work, dedication and drilling the team were unable to hit water.  The terrain in the community made it difficult to get the truck up the mountain, but with high hopes the team made it.  The disappointment came after an attempt of going down 350 feet did not show any signs of water.  Unfortunately their equipment could not drill deeper.  The team promised to return with a larger and more powerful truck.  Currently we are working through our options as to what our next steps should be.  In the meantime HoH and many others are doing their best to provide water and other resources to help sustain this amazing community.  Please continue to keep the Rousseau and all of those we serve in Haiti in your thoughts and prayers. As we make progress we will continue to share and celebrate with you all. AF